Javier Bardem
Watch the Biutiful trailer
Watch the Biutiful trailer
Director: Alejandro González Iñárritu
Notable Actors: Javier Bardem, Guillermo Estrella, Maricel Álvarez
Seven separate people walked out of this film. Seven separate people didn’t even give it a chance. Three fuckers I was unfortunate enough to be sitting near loudly proclaimed ‘this is crap!’ several times before turning their pathetic, mainstream-led tails and heading off in search of the next following in the Jackass vein.
Believe me. Seven morons couldn’t be more wrong. Biutiful had me on the edge of my seat even when I was bored with it, dragging as it does in all the right places. It has been said, by comically challenged middle age folk, that the film is ‘eh’ but Bardem’s performance is beautiful. (My aren’t they hilarious)
So Bardem’s performance is Oscar-worthy and no more need said. I don’t know about that. I found it pretty compelling when the rest of the dwindling audience allowed me to become absorbed, my eyeballs flickering to-and-fro in a desperate attempt not to miss anything out. Whereas the majority found Biutiful too taxing, too slow, too irritatingly in-your-face with tidbits that never become plot points, I found all these things made the utter charm of it.
Very early on in the film – within five minutes – it is hinted Bardem’s Uxbal was/is a heroin addict, and then never mentioned again. The film is peppered with such glimpses into character. I love things like this far too much to possibly state; I fell in love with this director in the exact opposite of the way I loathed Conviction’s director. Random realisations at the brilliance of the direction drew me out of the plot as much as the philistines did. In this case, however, I’ll forgive it.
Alright, it’s a far-from flawless film, and the penultimate scene may produce eye-rolling at its predictability, but the ending will slay you. It’s so tasty I hunger to never be sated as that would ruin the brilliance. Still a bastard though, Mister Iñárritu. Still a biutiful bastard. (My aren't I hilarious)
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